Humidification Option
The humidification option allows specific Relative Humidity (RH) levels to be added to the output gas of the system. RH levels between 0 - 95% can be achieved. The humidifier is factory calibrated for a specific RH level to an accuracy of 5% (assuming a constant flow rate and gas temperature), and is NIST traceable.
The humidification option is rear panel mounted and consists of a humidifier and a 250mL gravity feed D.I. water reservoir. The humidifier is made from a water vapor permeable tube made of Nafion (a Teflon derivative). The humidification option incorporates a continuous purge path to prevent moisture build-up and condensation.
A Standalone Humidifier System is also available.

Options Available
- Adjustable humidity level
- Multiple flow rate calibrations
- Variety of seal types depending on component gases
- Temperature controlled water circulator
- Simulate actual ambient R.H. level conditions in gas mixtures